Prepare for your CNSC exam with confidence using our specialized Study Sheet Bundle tailored for New RDs, Nutrition Support RDs, Critical Care RDs, and aspiring CNSC providers. This bundle includes indispensable resources such as our GI Absorption Graphic, Acid-Base Reference Sheet, Nutrition Support Formulas & Reference Value Cheat Sheet, Sample PN Calculation Study Sheet, PN Composition Guidance, and Refeeding Syndrome overview. Enhance your knowledge and readiness efficiently with this comprehensive bundle designed to maximize your success in the CNSC exam!
Refeeding Syndrome Resource
Unlock essential insights with our requested reference resource on refeeding syndrome. Tailored for Nutrition Support Providers, Critical Care RDs, and aspiring or current CNSC providers, this comprehensive guide covers:
- Definition
- Severity Breakdown
- Populations at Risk
- Pathophysiology
- Significance of Phosphorus Deficiency
- Role of Thiamine
- ASPEN Consensus Recommendations
- Electrolyte Repletion
Empower providers to understand the development of refeeding syndrome in malnourished patients and implement best practices for prevention and treatment. Elevate your knowledge with this valuable resource designed for optimal patient care.
PN Worksheet
Streamline patient care with our PN Worksheet, meticulously designed to facilitate efficient management of patient labs and PN formulations. Elevate your clinical practices and enhance the precision of PN administration using this purpose-built worksheet. Simplify your workflow and optimize patient care with our comprehensive PN management tool.
PN Calculation Study Sheet
Empower your CNSC exam preparation with our specialized training tool and study sheet for PN calculations. Tailored for New RDs, Nutrition Support RDs, Critical Care RDs, and other aspiring or current CNSC providers, this resource includes:
- Macronutrient Calculations
- Glucose Infusion Rate (GIR)
- Lipid Infusion Rate
- Volume Calculations
- Osmolality Calculations
- Insulin Calculations
- Calculations based on Stock Solutions
Efficiently enhance your proficiency in PN calculations with this comprehensive training tool designed for success in the CNSC exam.
Calculation Cheat Sheet & Reference Values
Supercharge your CNSC exam readiness with our purpose-built study sheet and cheat sheet for nutrition support calculations. Tailored for New RDs, Nutrition Support RDs, Critical Care RDs, and other aspiring or current CNSC providers, this comprehensive resource covers:
- Nitrogen Balance, Anion Gap, Corrected Calcium
- Glucose & Lipid Infusion Rates
- PN Volume & Osmolality Calculations
- TPN Stability Guidelines
- Electrolyte Repletion & IVF Content
Maximize your proficiency and streamline your exam preparation with this invaluable study and cheat sheet designed for success in the CNSC exam.
Acid-Base Balance Study Sheet
Enhance your CNSC exam preparation with our dual-purpose cheat sheet, expertly crafted for explaining acid-base balance and supporting your study efforts. Designed for Nutrition Support RDs, Critical Care RDs, and other aspiring or current CNSC providers, this comprehensive resource includes:
- Chart explaining Acid-Base Disorders
- Pathophysiology
- Lab Values
- Compensatory Changes
- Treatment
- Normal Blood Gas Values
- Anion Gap Calculations
- Parenteral Nutrition Considerations
Empower your understanding and streamline your exam readiness with this invaluable cheat and study sheet designed for success in the CNSC exam.
GI Absorption Graphic
Fuel your advanced certification preparation with our unique GI Absorption graphic. Most GI Absorption graphics only diagram the GI tract or list where each nutrient is absorbed. This detailed tool encompasses:
- Sites of macronutrient & micronutrient absorption
- Factors impacting absorption in each area
- Absorptive capacity throughout the GI tract
- Normal length of small bowel
- Normal volumes & composition of GI secretions and stool output
Elevate your understanding and exam readiness with this comprehensive graphic designed for clinical applications in the surgically-altered GI tract.
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